White Chocolate and Orange Eton Mess

This is a fun and delicious embellishment of the classic Eton Mess, especially but not limited to its invisibility.

White chocolate and orange Eton mess.

The citrusy sweetness of the orange is a welcome surprise that complements the strawberries and balances the white chocolate, which not only adds an extra layer of flavour but another form of delicious crunch as well. 

 As with Eton mess it can be made in advance and stored in the fridge until serving.   

For maximum effect mix it up just at the moment of serving – the sound of the hardened chocolate cracking and the cold whip mashing with the smell of the juicy, fresh strawberries is as a good as any welcome to the sunny days that surely lie ahead, guaranteed to put a smile on any guest’s face.


Serves 6

Meringues, 50g

Double cream, 350ml

Orange, 1

White chocolate, 100g

Strawberries, a large punnet

Sugar, optional


1.      Wash, trim and half or quarter the strawberries. Place in a bowl and mix with 3-4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice of the orange. 

2.     Melt the white chocolate in a bain marie and let cool slightly.

3.     In the mean-time whip the cream until stiff.

4.     Crumble the meringues on top of the strawberries, then drizzle the melted chocolate on top in criss cross pattern. Finally cover with the whipped ceram.

5.     Refrigerate for at least an hour. 

6.     Just before serving, grate the zest of the orange on top. 


A Minty Lemonade


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