Blanched Greens with Anchovy Mayo

This is a very easy dish that can complement any spread at any time of year.

Blanched greens with anchovy mayonnaise

Use any seasonal vegetables, which can also be left raw.

Good quality anchovies make all the difference here and it’s worth spending the money as you will need less in quantity and achieve significantly better flavour.

It is perfectly easy enough to make your own mayonnaise by whisking 1-2 egg yolks with a pinch of salt and drizzling in very small amounts of oil at a time while you continue to whisk. Using a hand blender will ensure speed and make it less likely for the mayonnaise to split. However quality fresh shop-bought mayonnaise will also work fine.

For a more substantial course boiled eggs and pickles can also be added, as well as herbs, breads or crackers.

Other delicious options include cauliflower, radishes, fennel, celery, radicchio, endives, baby carrots and even new potatoes - serve whatever vegetables are in season.





Mayonnaise, 4 tablespoons

Anchovies, very good quality, 3

Garlic, 1 clove

Salt, pepper

Olive oil



1.      Wash and trim the broccoli into small florets. Cook the vegetables separately until just tender – make sure not to overcook, that they retain a small amount of crunch.

2.     Drain and place separately in bowls with iced water. This will insure they retain their colour and crispiness. Leave for at least 15 minutes. Then pat dry on a tea towel.

3.     Pound the garlic together with the anchovies into a paste. Add lots of black pepper and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix in the mayonnaise and check the seasoning. Add a drizzle of olive oil and extra salt, pepper or lemon. Refrigerate. Serve the mayonnaise cold, and the vegetables also cold or room temperature. 


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